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Creating an Outdoor Gaming Area – Garden Gaming Spaces

Lisa Garden on 02-08-2024

Think of playing games outdoors and some of the games that pop into your head might be things like ring toss or even casual games of cricket or badminton, but these traditional outdoor games aren’t necessarily the only option. Now, there are other options including some digital games that can potentially be taken outside and played in a gaming area. Dedicated spaces for games are becoming more common, but what sort of things need to be considered?

We’ll explore the options below including ways to play table games and to take traditional inside games into the garden.

Table Games

Table games finding their way outdoors is not a new concept. In fact, there are specific chess sets made for outdoor play and this is one example of the way people can adapt to the elements.

Playing table games outside only requires a few extra considerations, and the setup can be relatively straightforward. A flat, stable table is crucial. Ensure it is large enough to accommodate the game board and pieces without crowding. Smaller side tables can be helpful for drinks and snacks.

Organizing game pieces and accessories is important. Storage bins or areas can keep everything tidy and easily accessible. If the outdoor area is permanent, consider installing shelves or cabinets for even more organized storage and to keep goods away from the elements (such as rain).

An area under a gazebo or awning could be a good choice for this as it is less likely that it’ll be impacted by weather. In the modern age, many people choose to play table games online, and this could still be an option, even outdoors. People don’t need to make huge adaptations for this to be possible, and they may choose to play online table games on a tablet that can be brought outdoors. On the Ignition casino poker app, people will find that there are different varieties of poker and this makes outdoor play possible using a tablet or other device with a screen. People may decide this is the way they would rather play poker online and not have to set up a physical table with chips and cards outside of the house.

It is still a good idea to have a shaded space for this to avoid glare as well as give players an option for somewhere to get out of direct sun.

One reason for using a screen and a digital solution for outdoor gaming is the fact that the games don’t require storage space and there isn’t the same risk of wind blowing away the cards!

Installing a Big Screen

We’ve mentioned that a tablet could help play games outside, but so could a big screen.

Screens can be installed outside, but there are a few things to think about – some electronic devices have a level of water resistance and get an IP rating to show this specific resistance to consumers, so they can see how waterproof or resistant the electronics are. Usually, screens will need to be in a sheltered spot so they’re not totally exposed to the elements.

A projector is another way that outside screenings can work – as the projector does the work of casting the visuals onto a screen, it is only this that needs to be kept safe from the elements. Some projector screens are built for specific outdoor use.

Going the extra effort for an outdoor screen opens up a lot of game options, including console gaming. There are a lot of options including rigid or full frame screens and people may want to do some research before buying, there are many things to be aware of when buying a projector screen.

A stable, weatherproof stand or wall mount will be necessary to secure any outdoor screen. For audio, outdoor speakers or a soundbar can significantly improve the gaming experience. Wireless speakers are convenient and easy to move around as needed.

Creating a Sheltered Spot

For electronic gaming, consider creating a sheltered area with a gazebo or pergola, offering protection from rain and direct sunlight. Some people who are avid gardeners or spend a lot of time outdoors may have already created an area like this with an awning or somewhere sheltered, some plants even need protection from heat and direct sunlight so sheltered spots are common.

Waterproof storage boxes are useful for keeping consoles (plus peripherals), and other electronic accessories safe when not in use. People may also want to think about the furniture they are using outdoors as it can become damaged if it is not designed specifically for outside use. Weather-resistant furniture made from materials such as treated wood, metal, or synthetic wicker can help and outdoor covers can provide extra protection when the furniture is not in use.

Outdoor Gaming: Setup and Safety Tips

Plenty of people want to play games outside the home and enjoy the weather, especially when summer comes and it is nice to sit outside and spend time with friends playing games. Table games are a popular outdoor choice, but so are consoles for those who have installed outdoor screens.

Safety should always be a priority. Ensure all electrical connections are safe and protected from moisture. Secure all wires to prevent tripping hazards, and ensure the area has been properly planned.